Considering the difficulties of the South and the South-East of Madagascar where

“Precariousness, famine, drought, Covid 19 and escheat dominate;


Madagascar Association,

Madagascar Foundation

Adam de Villiers Foundation


– Madagascar Association,

– Madagascar Foundation and

– Adam de Villiers Foundation


have also decided to support Father Emeric Amyot d’Inville (  ),

and its association located in Tonjomoha

(  )


In the near future, we hope, we could also provide all the Sisters of Charity in Southern Madagascar with our humble support.


Several organizations have joined us in this humanitarian effort without which nothing would have been possible:

–           Orphan Grain Train  (USA)



–           FMSC (USA)


We hope that many more will join us.


We have loaded on the vessel « NAVIO CONSTELLATION » on July 1st a container in New York

containing more than 350,000 food rations.


This is still very modest but we hope to do better very soon with your help.


We were able to do better in the past for Father Pédro and his Akamasoa Association;




And many other actions.  


But today the events of the Pandemic that we are experiencing have extinguished a lot of goodwill.

Patrick Adam de Villiers                           


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