Request for an audience with First Lady-elect Jill Biden


Madagascar Foundation, a Non-Profit American Public Charity (501 c 3)

Wilmington DE

Request an audience with First Lady-elect Jill Biden

to support the Project of a Ship Hospital bearing the name “PEDRO I” offering :

To unite People and Nations

around an international Humanitarian Action

For the benefit of non-belligerent Countries


Field of action

Middle East/East Africa/Indian Ocean.

A space for training and learning medical staff
by volunteer medical professionals.


Our Plan of Action.

An International Project scope designed to provide health care

for the needy of East Africa, the Middle East and the Indian Ocean.


A bridge connecting cultures, religions, origins and traditions


We support

Father Pedro Opeka , a catholic Priest,

Recognized Worldwide for his humanitarian work

for the poorest of the poor in Madagascar.


We support his association and

his 14,500 children, his 25,000 people in 22 villages,

schools, clinics and hospitals.


Fra Pedro Opeka saved already a Million People

and has been featured several times for

the Nobel Peace Prize.


Father Pedro Opeka received on October 29th 2015 in New York

the highest award conferred by St. John’s University entitled

“Spirit of Service Award”.

Fra Pedro received Pope Francis

on September 20, 2019

in his village of Akamasoa

in Madagascar.


And Now

we expect from Jill;








Leadership of the First Lady of United States


Jill can give the necessary impetus to this project and

can be the Leader of this exceptional humanitarian movement.


The First Lady Jill Biden will be the emblem of our international humanitarian action for

the renewal of the leadership of the United States around the World.


Leadership so long scorned, forgotten, decried

and undermined in recent years.


With the Leadership of the First Lady-elect of United States,

We will set a Council

of First Ladies, Queens and Princesses

in Europe and Middle East

having common concern as;










This Council will support our exceptional Humanitarian Project of Ship Hospital

and will become a platform for discussion and conciliation

between some Middle East Countries and Western countries

in order to find acceptable solutions on their deep disagreements they have today and

may diminish International tension.


We already have contact with Brigitte Macron, First Lady of France,


We have been also in contact with Prince Albert II of Monaco.

He gave us his support on that matter too.


Monaco supports Father Pedro and his Association

AKAMASOA in Madagascar

for more than 20 years already.


With Jill this unparalleled Humanitarian Project

will be a success.




Contact :

Patrick Adam de Villiers

Founder / Chairman / CEO
Madagascar Foundation
Madagascar Association


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